Transportation to and from New Heights School is provided by Stillwater Area School District.
Elementary students (grades K-5) living one mile or further from school are eligible for bus service, and middle school and high school students (grades 6-12) living two miles or more from school are also eligible. See District 834 Transportation Policy.
New Height School student’s need to be registered for transportation each school year.
The District 834 has a new website, and transportation registration is now available for electronic submission. Families can access the registration form by following the steps below.
Go to stillwaterschools.org > Menu > Services > Transportation > Register for Transportation > Private/Charter School Registration
Waiting for a school bus?
Search for the free Versatrans MyStop app in the app store. The app compares GPS data to routing data to give families information as to where their school bus is located and what time it is expected at their stop.
Transportation Department:
Busing provided by Schmitty & Sons