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  1. Families may begin by contacting the school for an information meeting, or may complete an Application for Enrollment Form and submit it to the school’s main office to initiate the enrollment process.


  2. Families wishing to enroll may register their child in the main school office if there are openings at the school in that grade level.


  3. If there are no openings in a particular grade level parents may be placed on a waiting list; in which case pupils must be accepted by lottery.  A charter school must give preference for enrollment to a sibling of an enrolled pupil, or a foster child of that pupil’s parent in accordance with MN Statute 124E.


  4. The open enrollment period for the upcoming school year begins February 1 and ends February 15. In the event that any particular grade/class becomes filled to capacity during the open enrollment period a lottery will be conducted in accordance with New Heights Policy and procedures.


Waiting List Enrollment Form


* New Heights School is an equal educational opportunity provider.

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