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ACT #242-448

NWEA MAP - Measures of Academic Progress

This assessment helps school staff monitor individual student growth and assess students' strengths and weaknesses. MAP tests are taken on the computer and are adaptive, adjusting to student responses in order to find students' instructional levels. MAP results help teachers plan instruction, and helps the school to evaluate the successes and improvement needs of its school and programs. Please refer to the NWEA website for more information.   

MCA- Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments 

The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) and alternate assessment Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) are the state tests that help districts measure student progress toward Minnesota’s academic standards and also meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Students take one test in each subject. Most students take the MCA, but students who receive special education services and meet eligibility requirements may take the alternate assessment MTAS instead. The list below shows tests by subject along with the grades they are given in parentheses behind each test.

Reading: MCA (grades 3-8, 10) or MCA-Modified (grades 5-8,10) or MTAS (grades 3-8, 10)

Mathematics: MCA (grades 3-8, 11) or MCA-Modified (grades 5-8, 11) or MTAS (grades 3-8, 11)

Science: MCA or MTAS (grades 5, 8, and high school)



Why is it important to do your best on the ACT® Test?

  • Every test point matters

  • It can help students get into college.

  • It gives students information on careers they might enjoy

  • Scores can lead to scholarship and financial aid opportunities.


Graduation Assessments

In order to be eligible for a diploma from a Minnesota public high school, all students must fulfill graduation assessment requirements in writing, reading, and mathematics. Based on the revisions to Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.30, the graduation assessment requirements have changed.

There are different routes to meeting graduation assessment requirements, depending on what year students were first enrolled in grade 8.  Please see the MDE web site for up to date information.

The  ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world, assesses a student’s ability to learn new skills and is a predictor of success in training and education programs. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program offers more than just a test. It includes an interest inventory and other activities and resources designed to help students explore the world of work and gain confidence in making career decisions. New Heights School offers this service during the second week in December of each year. 

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