Food Shelf Resources
Church of St. Michael Catholic Church Food Shelf, - (651) 439-4400
Fare for All - (763) 450-3880 A cooperative food purchasing program with a distribution location in Stillwater. Designed to help stretch the food budget. Open to everyone. A program of the Emergency Food Shelf Network.
Our Community Kitchen - (651) 439-2609. Donations-based breakfasts. Sponsored with community partners and Ascension Episcopal Church, Stillwater.
Valley Outreach, - (651) 430-2739. Food shelf, women’s clothing, and emergency fund.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Resources
Out Front Minnesota - (612) 822-0127. Social and community services group serving GLBT citizens of Minnesota
PFLAG Twin Cities, (612) 825-1660. Organization of parents, families, and friends of GLBT.
Health & Wellness
FamilyMeans, (651) 439-4840. Mental health services, caregiver support, consumer credit counseling, family/youth enrichment, and employee assistance.
Canvas Health, (651) 777-5222. Mental health, chemical health, and domestic and sexual abuse programs for youth, adults, and families.
American Red Cross, St. Croix Valley Chapter, 651-439-0031
LivingHealthyinWashingtonCounty, Web site that serves as a communications hub for county residents, schools, and businesses to find community health resources.
Language and Literacy Resources
Community Education, Stillwater Area Public Schools (District 834), (651) 351-8300. Programs for adult basic education, and English as a Second Language.
Pregnancy, Childbirth / Parenting Education, and New Baby
American Red Cross, St.Croix Valley Chapter, (651) 439-0031. Offers babysitting classes.
Early Childhood Family Education, Stillwater Area Public Schools, (651) 351-8350. Regular offerings of parenting classes.
Extension Service, Washington County, (University of Minnesota), (651) 430-6800. Parenting classes and related programs.
Lakeview Hospital, (651) 439-5330. Childbirth education classes and other new baby and new parent resources.
St. Croix Valley Life Care Center, (651) 439-5964. Pregnancy counseling, and dealing with unexpected pregnancies.
Chemical Health Resources
Partnership for Drug Free Kids - Parent Toolkit:
Youth Substance Abuse Prevention:
Signs and symptoms of teen chemical use:
Alateen/Al-Anon (Alateen meeting in Maplewood on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM at Alano Club (1955
Prosperity Road Maplewood)) 651-770-2208,
Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup (AA) (Youth meeting in Stillwater on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM at
Saint Croix Alano Club (208 S 3rd St) – Call 651-439-5039 for more information)
Alcohol Treatment
Health Realization (HR) – community based support groups welcoming all in recovery. HR
focuses on what is positive in your life, shows you the power of living in the moment, and
promotes examining the reactions to your thoughts that have previously led to poor choices
651-777-5222 (Stillwater, Cottage Grove), Shoreview (651-207-3339),
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Minnesota Region (Youth meeting in Stillwater on Wednesdays at
7:30 PM at Saint Croix Alano Club (208 S 3rd St) – Call Marah L at 715-338-5895 for more